2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Oct 17, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Registration and Grading

New Student Orientation, Advising and Registration

The Student Assistance Coordinator conducts New Student Orientation for all first-time college students and transfer students to UA-PTC. Students attending orientation will meet with an advisor and register for courses, as well as become familiar with the campus, learn about UA-PTC resources and programs, and complete financial aid processes.

Students must be enrolled in or have completed applicable prerequisites to register for certain courses. This catalog provides a list of the required prerequisites for each class. Students who register for a course that has a prerequisite will be dropped from that course prior to the start of the semester if the prerequisite has not been successfully completed.


Students can only be enrolled in one section of each course per term. Students cannot be simultaneously enrolled in duplicate courses within a term. There are no exceptions to this process.

Students should be aware that once registered, whether in person or via web registration, tuition and fee charges will be generated for those classes. Students are responsible for these charges, even if the student does not attend classes. To avoid tuition and fee charges, students not planning to attend after registering for classes should drop their courses via their UA-PTC student Workday account. Refer to the Drop/Withdrawal Refund Policy listed in the Student Accounts section of this catalog for refund dates.


All schedule changes, including adding courses, dropping courses, and withdrawing from the college, become effective when submitted to the Office of Records or when processed by the student through web registration. Students may add and drop courses during the schedule change period as listed in the academic calendar. Drops or complete withdrawals processed through the census date for each term will not be recorded on the student’s permanent record. Census dates are the 11th business day of the term in the fall and spring terms, and the 5th business day of the term in 8-week and summer terms. Students dropping or withdrawing after this date will receive a W on the permanent record.

Students are urged to meet with an academic advisor or their instructor before dropping or withdrawing to determine if an alternate action may be available. Students receiving financial aid should consult with a financial aid officer to determine how schedule changes affect their financial aid status. (See “Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy ” under the Financial Aid section of this catalog.)

Failure to attend class for any period of time does not constitute a withdrawal. Failure to complete the withdrawal procedure will constitute improper withdrawal and will result in failing grades being placed on the student’s permanent academic record.

*Unless noted otherwise, dropping usually refers to a single course and withdrawal usually refers to complete withdrawal from the college.


A census of students is taken on the 11th business day from the start of the 16-week term of the fall and spring terms, and the 5th business day of 8-week and summer terms. Students who have failed to attend class prior to the census day will be dropped from the course as a “no-show”.

Grades and the Grading System

Grades and Grade Points

Each student is expected to make satisfactory progress in all courses taken toward the completion of his or her program. Students who do not make satisfactory progress will be notified.

Grades/Grading System

The college operates on a standard four-point grading system. Quality points are assigned to grades as follows:

A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Below Average 1
F Failing 0

Grades not used in the computation of GPA are as follows:

AU Audit 0
CR Credit 0
INC Incomplete 0
NC No Credit 0
W Withdrawal 0
WX Administrative Withdrawal 0
WC Withdrawal in Crisis 0

Accessing Grades

Grade reports are not mailed to students. All students will have access through their UA-PTC student Workday account to view grades once they have been officially posted by the instructor.

Grade-point Average Computation

Each letter grade awarded to a student is assigned a point value. A student may determine the grade points for each course by multiplying the number of points the grade is worth by the number of credit hours the course carries.

Thus, an “A” letter grade (worth four points) in a three-credit hour course is worth 12 points, and a “B” letter grade (worth three points) in the same course is worth nine points.

The GPA is determined by adding the total point values for all courses and dividing the total point values by the total number of credit hours attempted during the same period of time (see Grade Computation Schedule Chart).

Grade Computation Schedule Chart

CIS 1103 Computer Concepts 3 x B(3) = 9
ENGL 1311 English Composition I 3 x A(4) = 12
BIOL 1401 Biological Science 4 x B(3) = 12
MATH 1302 College Algebra 3 x A(4) = 12
TOTAL     13       45

Divide the total hours (13) into the total grade-points (45) = 3.5 grade-point average (GPA). Developmental courses are not included in the computation of cumulative grade-point averages but are calculated in the semester GPA.

Incomplete Grades

Awarding a grade of incomplete, “INC,” is solely at the discretion of the instructor. A grade of incomplete is considered only when the student has been unable, because of illness or other reasons beyond his or her control, to finish work assigned in the course near the end of a semester.

Students must meet the following conditions to be considered for an incomplete grade:

  1. The student must contact the instructor to initiate the incomplete request and must make arrangements with the instructor for completion of coursework.
  2. The student must have at least a “C” in the course prior to the circumstances prompting the request for an incomplete grade.
  3. The student must be in compliance with all course requirements, including attendance, and must have completed at least 60 percent of the coursework.
  4. The student must submit appropriate documentation of the reason(s) he or she is not able to complete the coursework.
  5. The student and instructor must agree on specific course requirements to be completed and must complete and sign the Incomplete Grade Form.
  6. The appropriate dean must approve all requests for a grade of incomplete.

Course requirements agreed upon by the student and instructor and specified on the Incomplete Grade Form must be completed within one academic semester. An incomplete grade not made up by the following semester, excluding summer sessions, will automatically become an F. Instructors may submit a grade change request to the Registrar to remove the incomplete grade prior to the end of the one academic semester.

Grade Changes

Grades become official after they are posted to the student’s permanent record. Occasionally grades need to be changed due to error or incomplete grades. Instructors may submit a grade change request including justification for the change to the Registrar for approval no later than one year after the grade has been officially posted. Changes of grades submitted after one year will require the signature of the departmental dean. Students may also appeal a grade through academic due process. For more information on academic due process, please visit the Academic Appeals  section below.


Occasionally students may take a class without receiving credit. Students should notify the advisor at the time of registration if they wish to audit a class. Students may change an enrolled class to audit through the last day to make a schedule change by making a written request to the Office of Records. Audited courses are subject to the same tuition and fees as a regular class. No credit will be awarded, and the letters AU will be recorded for the grade on the student’s permanent record. Students who audit are expected to meet all requirements, including attendance, for a course other than taking examinations and completing formal written papers. The names of students registered to audit a class will appear on the official class roster.

Maximum Hours

Generally, 18 hours is the maximum load that a student may carry during a regular semester, although certain technical programs may require more hours. Any student outside these technical areas who wishes to take more than 18 hours must meet with an advisor to request permission. The decision will be made by the Provost. Students may not enroll for more than the maximum via web registration.

Repetition of Courses

Any student who has taken a course may repeat the course in order to change the original grade. A “W,” “WX,” or “F” received for courses will be considered as courses attempted, not earned. All courses attempted (including repeats) will remain on the transcript. The last grade earned will be used in computing the grade-point average. If a student repeats a course in which a passing grade (A, B, C, D) was earned and receives an “F,” the credit previously earned will be invalidated; the grade of “F” will be used in computing the grade-point average.

Semester Hour Definition

The semester hour is the unit of credit at UA-PTC and is defined as the amount of credit given for one clock hour in class per week for 16 weeks (or the equivalent). Most classes meet three hours per week and, therefore, carry three semester hours of credit. Additional credit is given for some laboratory courses.

Cancellation of Classes

Students enrolled in canceled classes will be notified by the Office of Records so they may select an alternate course during the drop/add period. Students will receive a 100% refund for any canceled class.

Changes in Student Information

It is the responsibility of all students to maintain correct addresses with the college and to report any address changes to the Office of Records. Students requesting name changes must provide a copy of their new Social Security card and a photo ID.

Transfer Credit Policy

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College may accept transfer coursework from regionally accredited institutions. Official transcripts should be submitted to the Office of Admissions at the time of application and are evaluated by the Office of Records based on the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) or the decisions of appropriate faculty and staff. In order for approved transfer credit to be awarded, students must submit an official transcript that indicates final grades and credits earned. Transfer credits are automatically evaluated for fully accepted, degree seeking students.

Coursework may be considered for transfer credit if all the following conditions are met:

  • The coursework is completed at a regionally accredited institution, except for state guaranteed agreements (see Accreditation Exception below).
  • The coursework is undergraduate and lower level.
  • The coursework is an ACTS guaranteed course, is determined to be equivalent to a UA-PTC course or can be used to satisfy a degree requirement.
  • The final grade posted is a “C” or higher.
  • Students graduating from UA-PTC must complete 25% of the total credit hours required for their credential in residence at UA-PTC (see Graduation Requirements Policy).
  • Grades earned at other institutions are not posted to the student’s UA-PTC transcript and are not calculated in the student’s UA-PTC grade point average. Credits earned will be reflected in hours earned and may be used for degree requirements.
  • Students can request a maximum of six credit hours from courses with D grades. However, there are exceptions to this policy including: prerequisites for courses requiring a grade of C or better, if a grade of C or better is required for a specific program, or specific general education courses that require a grade of C or better.  

Accreditation Exception

Accreditation exceptions have been made for institutions included in the Arkansas Department of Higher Education ACTS agreement. This exception pertains only to the specific courses listed on ACTS. UA-PTC does not transfer in non-accredited coursework that is not specifically listed on ACTS nor does the college grandfather-in those courses if they were taken prior to fall 2014.

International Institutions

Before international transfer coursework is considered, the student must submit a course-by-course evaluation from a third-party, credential evaluation service for international transcripts.

Remedial Courses

Remedial courses may be transferred for placement purposes, but no earned credit hours will be posted.

Alternative Hours

UA-PTC follows state credit hour value guidelines. All quarter hours and clock hours will be converted to semester hours. Each quarter hour is 2/3 of a semester hour and 37.5 clock hours equals 1 semester hour.

Upper Level Courses

Typically, only lower level undergraduate courses are awarded credit. If an upper level course is listed as an equivalent credit on ACTS or an agreement between the Registrar and School Dean is made to award credit for an upper level course, an exception can be made.

Transfer Credit Appeal

If there is any question concerning the acceptance of transfer coursework, the student may make a verbal or written request to appeal. Students should be prepared to submit course descriptions and syllabi.

Prior Learning Assessment

Credits for ACE/Military joint services, credit by examination, credit by certification, or life experience are governed by the UA-PTC Prior Learning Assessment policies.

Alternative Credit Methods

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College (UA-PTC) recognizes that individuals involved in various aspects of life have already acquired learning of a measurable, college-level dimension beyond a traditional college classroom setting, which can be assessed legitimately and recognized as part of a degree program. Such learning, frequently called prior learning, may result from employment/ work experience, professional certification, non-credit courses, hobbies, volunteer experience, civic activities, travel related specifically to a degree plan or military, and other experiences. Although there is the possibility of assessing college-level learning at a high school level, the assessment of prior learning is primarily for students who have been out of high school and/or college for several years and who are entering or returning to UA-PTC to earn an associate degree or technical certificate. PLA may be awarded in two broad categories, credit by examination and portfolio assessment. Credit by examination is a means of awarding credit through the evaluation of exam results such as the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement program (AP), ACT Workkeys, DANTES Standardized Subject Tests (DSST), and American Council on Education (ACE). UA-PTC also evaluates international baccalaureate courses and articulated high school agreement courses. Several career fields may have national or state certifications or licensures that may be evaluated for college credit. The college may also offer challenge exams where national or state exam opportunities do not exist.

Portfolio assessment is a means by which the student documents life experiences and learning. Students will complete a rigorous self-assessment process in order to produce a portfolio. In the portfolio, students will describe significant learning experiences and what skills and knowledge have been attained from those experiences. Individual course syllabi from the college will be used to match learning to course objectives. In addition to an initial interview with the Associate Director of Advising, students will utilize letters, certificates, reports, products, demonstrations, etc. to show evidence of the learning that has been acquired.

To review the policies and procedures of UA-PTC’s Prior Learning Assessment program, visit the website at www.uaptc.edu/pla. Also listed on the website will be the most current listing of PLA opportunities through credit by examination and portfolio assessment.