2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Application Requirements

First-time Entering Students

Students who have graduated from high school or earned a GED before enrolling at UA - Pulaski Tech and have not earned college credit after graduation should submit the following for admission:

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. Official ACT or Accuplacer placement scores no more than five years old. All first-time students must meet the minimum score to be admitted to UA - Pulaski Tech:
    • 13 ACT reading OR
    • 55 Accuplacer classic reading OR
    • 226 Accuplacer Next Generation reading
  3. Official high school transcript with a graduation date and cumulative grade-point average or official General Education Development (GED) diploma with completion date. *Students still enrolled in high school at time of application should submit a current transcript for admission in addition to a final transcript with graduation date.
  4. Proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations for all applicants born after January 1, 1957. Students born outside the U.S. should submit proof of a tuberculosis screening.
  5. Official college transcripts for students who earned college credit while still enrolled in high school. Contact the college or university awarding credit to request a transcript.

Transfer Students

Students who have earned college credit at another institution(s) should submit the following documents for admission:

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended. Financial aid cannot be awarded or credit posted until all official transcripts have been submitted and evaluated.
  3. Proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations for all applicants born after January 1, 1957. Students born outside the U.S. should submit proof of a tuberculosis screening.

Transfer of Credits

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College may accept transfer work from regionally accredited institutions. The following policies apply to the granting of transfer credit:

  • Official transcripts should be submitted to the Office of Admissions at the time of application.
  • Official transcripts are evaluated by the Office of Records based on the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS) or the decisions of appropriate faculty and staff.
  • Only grades of “C” or higher are eligible for transfer credit.
  • Grades earned at other institutions are not posted to the student’s UA - Pulaski Tech transcript and are not calculated in the student’s UA - Pulaski Tech grade point. Credits earned will be reflected in hours earned and may be used for degree requirements.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 25% of the hours required for their degree at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College to be eligible for a UA - Pulaski Tech degree or certificate.
  • Students should be prepared to submit course descriptions and syllabi of transfer work if there is any question concerning the acceptance of credit toward a degree program.

Readmitted Students

Students who wish to return to UA - Pulaski Tech after failing to enroll in consecutive fall and spring semesters must reapply for admission and submit the following for admission:

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. Proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations for all applicants born after January 1, 1957. Students born outside the U.S. should submit tuberculosis screening. Students previously enrolled at UA - Pulaski Tech who attended another college or university before returning will be processed as a transfer student.

Readmission of Service Members
The University of Arkansas Pulaski Technical College will promptly readmit service members with the same academic status as when the student last attended (or was accepted to the institution) who cannot attend school due to military service (more than 30 consecutive days, under a call or order to active duty) according to the guidance under Chapter 3 of Volume 2 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook.  Students must alert the Veterans Services Office in a timely manner before and after such activations. 

High School Students

Students who are still in high school and wish to take classes at UA - Pulaski Tech before graduation. This may include concurrent, dual enrolled, or Career Institute courses. Student must apply for admission and submit the following for admission:

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. Official ACT or Accuplacer placement scores no more than five years old. Students interested in taking transferable general education courses must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, along with one of the following reading scores:    
    1. 19 ACT Reading OR
    2. 261 Accuplacer Next Generation Reading
  3. Official ACT or Accuplacer placement scores no more than five years old. Students interested in taking career or technical courses must have a 2.0 cumulative GPA, along with one of the following reading scores:
    1. 13 ACT Reading OR
    2. 226 Accuplacer Next Generation Reading
  4. Official “In-Progress” high school transcripts (Official transcript must be in the sealed envelope from the institution. Your high school can mail your transcript to UA-PTC or send it electronically through TRIAND.).

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Students intending to take courses and not pursue a degree at UA - Pulaski Tech should submit the following for admission:

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. Proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations for all applicants born after January 1, 1957. Students born outside the U.S. should submit proof of a tuberculosis screening. Non-degree students registering for classes requiring prerequisites must submit appropriate ACT, or Accuplacer scores or college transcripts to demonstrate the prerequisite has been met. Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid at UA - Pulaski Tech. Non-degree seeking students wishing to seek a degree need to reapply as a first-time or transfer student (depending on academic history) at uaptc.edu/apply

Visiting Students

Students who are currently enrolled at another college or university and are not pursuing a degree, diploma or certificate at UA - Pulaski Technical College must submit an application for admission before the application deadline at uaptc.edu/apply. A visiting student plans to earn credit at UA - Pulaski Tech to transfer back to their home institution. At UA - Pulaski Technical College, visiting students can take a maximum of 15 hours. Once a visiting student has reached 15 hours, he or she will be required to submit documentation of enrollment at their home institution in order to remain a visiting student at UA-Pulaski Tech.

Visiting students are not eligible for financial aid at UA-Pulaski Tech. It is the visiting student’s responsibility to verify that their course(s) will transfer to their home institution and he/she has the prerequisites necessary. Visiting students are advised to refer to the course code and description in the UA-Pulaski Tech catalog to ensure any prerequisite or co-requisite requirements are understood prior to registering or seeking any registration assistance. First-time college students cannot be classified as visiting students and must apply as first-time entering students. This includes recent high school graduates wishing to take summer classes before starting at another institution in fall.

International Students

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College is authorized under federal law to enroll non immigrant alien students. More information on this program can be found at studyinthestates.dhs.gov. We welcome you to learn more about University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College by visiting uaptc.edu/international-admissions.

Available Visa Types

  1. Students not currently studying in the United States: You are seeking an F-1 visa to begin studying at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College in one of our many degree or technical programs.
  2. Students already studying in the United States who wish to transfer: You are currently an F-1 student with an unexpired I-20 and will be transferring to University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College from another U.S. college, university, or Intensive English Language program.
  3. Students already studying in the United States at another institution: You are an F-1 visa student with an unexpired I-20 and you intend to take a few classes at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College while remaining in full-time status at another U.S. college or university.
  4. Other Visa Types - The U.S. Department of State offers several visas to offer foreign citizens the opportunity to visit, work, study and live in the U.S. Many visas have guidelines regulating the activities of foreign citizens in the U.S., meaning some visas do not allow foreign citizens to study while in the U.S. To learn more about specific visa types, visit Directory of Visa Categories (state.gov).

The following students are not classified as international students at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College and will go through the standard application process:

  1. Students eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and other students without documentation of U.S. citizenship
  2. Permanent Residents
  3. Graduates from a non-U.S. high school but hold U.S. citizenship
  4. Asylees and refugees

Requirements for All Degree-Seeking International Students

  1. A completed application for admission submitted by the application deadline.
  2. $250.00 USD application fee by check drawn on a U.S. bank or international money order by the application deadline.
  3. Completed student data form
  4. Proof of financial support including a statement and supporting documents of financial support for the first year of study at UA- Pulaski Technical College.
  5. Completed SEVIS Requirements form
  6. Valid passport
  7. Proof of English-language proficiency:
    • TOEFL Score report of 500 (paper), 173 (computer), or 61 (Internet) on the exam.
    • Proof of graduation from an Intensive Language Program in the U.S.
    • ACT Score of 19 on the English Language portion of the exam.
    • Proof of completion of English Composition I with a “C” or better from an accredited U.S. college or university
  8. Academic credentials:
    • Students with no previous college credit: Official, translated high school transcript/diploma with completion date that has been evaluated by an NACES-member foreign credential evaluation service (NACES | Credentials Evaluations Provided by NACES Members); Official ACT, or Accuplacer scores.
    • Students with previous college credit: Official, translated foreign college transcripts that have been evaluated by an NACES-member foreign credential evaluation service (NACES | Credentials Evaluations Provided by NACES Members) and/or official domestic college transcripts.
    • Student who have earned a bachelor’s degree: Official, translated foreign college transcripts that have been evaluated by an NACES-member foreign credential evaluation service (NACES | Credentials Evaluations Provided by NACES Members) and show proof of bachelor’s degree or official domestic college transcript with proof of bachelor’s degree.

Additional Requirements by Visa Type

  1. Students not currently studying in the United States (F1) should submit the following upon arrival:
    • Copy of student I-94 Card
    • Copy of student visa
    • Proof of 2 combined measles, mumps and rubella immunizations
    • Proof of a tuberculosis screening within the past six months as required by the State of Arkansas.
    • Proof of health insurance coverage in the U.S.
  2. Students already studying in the United States who wish to transfer (F1) should submit the following for admission:
    • Copy of student’s most current, unexpired I-20
    • Copy of student I-94 Card
    • Copy of student unexpired passport
    • Copy of student visa
    • Proof of 2 combined measles, mumps, and rubella immunizations
    • Proof of a tuberculosis screening within the past six months as required by the State of Arkansas.
    • Proof of health insurance coverage in the U.S.
  3. Students already studying in the United States at another institution should submit the following for admission:
    • Official letter from current college - The student must submit an official letter from his or her current college or university. This letter must indicate that the student is eligible to take classes as a visiting student at University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College and must indicate which classes at UA - Pulaski Technical College the student is to complete. This letter must come from the student’s international student office or designated school official (DSO) who issued his or her I-20.
    • Copy of student’s most current, unexpired I-20
    • Copy of student I-94 Card
    • Copy of student unexpired passport
    • Copy of student visa


All international students who want to attend University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College must submit their application, application fee and required documents by the dates listed below. Exceptions can only be made in rare instances when a student is completing an IELP program or waiting for a grade to post to transfer from a U.S. college or university. The Director of Admissions must approve all exceptions prior to the deadline.

Students not currently studying in the United States
Application/Document Deadline
Fall: June 1
Spring: November 1
Summer: Not Available

Students currently studying in the United States at another institution and wish to transfer
Application/Document Deadline
Fall: July 1
Spring: December 1
Summer: April 1

Students currently studying in the United States at another institution and will return back to their home institution
Application/Document Deadline
Fall: August 5
Spring: January 5
Summer: May 13

Allied Health Programs Admission

Applicants preparing to enter Allied Health programs completes UA-PTC admissions application and select Pre-Healthcare Studies. Allied Health Program applicants must have a high school diploma or GED and must meet minimum standards as determined by the college. Admission to the College is required but does not ensure admission to an Allied Health program. For information on an Allied Health program, call (501) 812-2339 or refer to the Allied Health section of the UA - Pulaski Technical College website.

Testing Services

The University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College uses test scores for admissions, placement, and licensure/certification. 

Applicants with no prior college-level coursework in reading, writing, or math may be required to submit scores for admission to UA-PTC. Students can either request ACT, Accuplacer, or Accuplacer Next Generation scores taken within the last 5 years OR they can take an exam at UA-Pulaski Tech to meet this requirement.

If scores are outdated or the student has never taken any of these exams they may contact the Office of Testing Services at (501) 812-2787 or testingcenter@uaptc.edu to get more information and schedule a time to take an exam.

The college uses these same scores to place students in the appropriate reading, writing, math, foreign language, and business courses. After students have been admitted, they can meet with an Academic Advisor to discuss the scores to better assist them in their course decision making while at UA-Pulaski Tech. Students failing to achieve designated scores on the various components of these exams may be required to successfully complete zero level (0) courses before enrolling in credit bearing courses found on the Arkansas Course Transfer System (ACTS).

*For information on test score placement, please see uaptc.edu/testing.

The following scores denote “college readiness” and the ability to bypass developmental coursework:

  ACT Accuplacer Classic Acculpacer NG
Reading 19 78 253
English/Writting 19 83 261
Math 22 97 264

*Non-STEM majors are ready for Mathematical Reasoning with an 18+ on the ACT. Please meet with an academic advisor for your appropriate placement.

Credit by Exam

UA-Pulaski Tech offers students the opportunity to obtain credit through examination in certain courses. There are currently 4 sources of examination credit:

  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • Advanced Placement Program (AP)
  • Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)

All tests conform to these general regulations:

  • Students who successfully test out of a course shall receive credit hours for that course with a credit grade (CR) but no grade points.
  • Any prospective, currently enrolled, or continuing student may take these tests.
  • To receive credit, students must have OFFICIAL score reports sent directly from the testing company to the Office of Records for evaluation. (See below for School Codes)
  • Credit obtained through examination can only be awarded after the student has been enrolled in credit bearing coursework for one semester at UA-PTC.
School Codes for Test Score Requests
ACT 6364
AP 3622
CLEP 8365
IB 004469

Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Testing Services by calling (501) 812-2787 or at uaptc.edu/testing.