2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
    Oct 23, 2024  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial Aid

Various types of financial aid are available to students who need assistance to continue their education. A student begins the financial aid process by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This application is used to provide a standardized objective analysis of the student’s and/or his or her family’s ability to pay for the education. The student’s financial aid package is based on his or her Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as determined by the U.S Department of Education through the FAFSA; the student’s cost of attendance as determined by UA - Pulaski Technical College; and the student’s enrollment status. Students must complete the FAFSA each year in October for the next academic year. Regardless of the type of financial aid desired (loans, grants, or college work-study), all applications and requests for information should be addressed to the Office of Financial Aid at UA - Pulaski Technical College, 3000 West Scenic Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118. To ensure that funds are available in a timely manner, all accurately completed documents should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by the following priority deadlines: May 15 for the fall semester, October 15 for the spring semester, and March 15 for the summer sessions.

Note: Before any financial aid funds from grants, loans, scholarships, and federal or state aid are released to a student, all charges or any monies owed to the college (tuition, books, fees) must be paid. All financial aid funds received will be credited to the student’s account. After all charges to the student’s account have been satisfied, remaining funds will be disbursed to the student by paper check or direct deposit. Specific financial aid refund dates will be posted on the campus website: https://uaptc.edu/student-accounts/financial-aid-refund-dates. Initial disbursement of loan funds is subject to institutional policy and is established in accordance with federal regulations. After initial disbursement dates, student refunds continue to be made as monies are received and are available on a bi-weekly basis as determined by the Office of Student Accounts.

High school students and students enrolled in nursing programs at Baptist Health College Little Rock are not eligible to receive financial aid through UA - Pulaski Technical College. Students enrolled in the Occupational Therapy Assistant program at Baptist Health College Little Rock are eligible to apply for financial aid through UA - PTC.

Transfer Students Applying for Financial Aid

Transfer students who have previously attended another accredited post-secondary institution must have their official academic transcript submitted to the UA-PTC Office of Admissions for a student to be fully admitted to UA-PTC. Aid cannot be credited to a student account until all transfer transcripts have been received and evaluated by the Registrar’s Office. Federal regulations require schools to consider transfer credit hours in determining satisfactory academic progress.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Federal regulations require Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to be measured using all attempted coursework, including zero-level coursework and transfer credit. SAP will be reviewed after each fall, spring, and summer semesters. All students are required to maintain SAP, even if no financial aid was previously received. All SAP notices will be sent to the student’s official UA-PTC email account.

Maximum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)

Students must maintain a CGPA based on hours attempted as shown below:

1-29 hours 1.75
30 hours or above 2.00

Pace of Progression

Students must successfully complete 66.67% of cumulative hours attempted. Cumulative hours attempted includes hours earned, remedial hours earned, repeated hours, transfer hours and grades of F, W, WX and INC.

The formula used to monitor pace of progression is:

# of cumulative hours earned X 100
# of cumulative hours attempted

Maximum Time Frame

The maximum number of hours a student will be eligible for Title IV aid is limited to 150% of the hours required for their program of study. A student will lose eligibility for Title IV aid when they have attempted more than 150% of the hours required for their program of study.

Most associate degrees at UA-PTC require 60 hours to complete; therefore, eligibility is limited to 90 (60 x 1.5) attempted hours. Technical Certificates require less hours, so eligibility for those programs will be limited to fewer attempted hours.

Example: Roger is seeking an AAS in Entrepreneurship. In order to complete the degree, he has to successfully complete 60 credit hours. His maximum time frame to complete his degree is 90 hours. (60 x 150% = 90 hours)

Attempted hours include all hours posted to the academic transcript, including all hours earned, remedial hours earned, repeated hours, transfer hours, and grades of F, NC, W, WX, and INC. All enrollment periods count toward the maximum time frame regardless of a change in degree or major. Repeated coursework will count in the review of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Financial Aid Warning

Students who fail to meet the standards of the SAP policy will be placed on Financial Aid Warning the following fall, spring or summer semester of UA-PTC enrollment. Students on warning will be eligible to receive financial aid. No appeal is necessary.

Financial Aid Suspension

Students who fail to meet the minimum SAP requirements at the end of their Financial Aid Warning semester will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will lose their eligibility to receive federal financial aid. To regain financial aid eligibility, students must complete course work at their own expense until the policy minimums are met or, if eligible, submit a financial aid appeal. If a student is on Financial Aid Suspension because the maximum time frame to complete a program is exceeded, paying out of pocket will not allow you to regain aid eligibility. A financial aid appeal would be required. The steps to the appeal process is detailed below.

Appeals to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Students who can demonstrate and provide documentation of unusual or mitigating circumstances, such as illness or death in the student’s immediate family, may appeal the financial aid suspension by completing a UA-PTC Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Form. This form, along with supporting documentation, must be submitted to the UA-PTC Financial Aid Office. Students will be notified by email the results of the appeal. The committee may request additional documentation before reaching a decision. The committee’s decision is final. Beginning Spring 2018, students are only eligible to appeal their Financial Aid Suspension one time for each standard of the SAP policy (maintaining a minimum CGPA, pace of progression and time frame).

Financial Aid Probation

Students who have an approved appeal will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for the next semester of enrollment and may receive aid for that semester. If the student is enrolled during the semester the appeal was approved, the student would be required to meet the standards of the policy by the end of the current semester. If the student does not meet the standards of the policy in one semester, the student will be placed on suspension and not be eligible to receive federal aid until the policy standards are met at the student’s expense or an appeal is approved for a different SAP policy reason.

Academic Plans

Students who file an appeal may be placed on an Academic Plan. Students must follow their Academic Plan as outlined by the committee that is provided to the student in their notification email. Any deviation from the approved academic plan may result in the student being placed on suspension and not eligible to receive financial aid. Students on an academic plan are eligible to complete additional appeals but only on a basis of a different policy violation.

Repeated Course Work

Students may receive federal aid to repeat a successfully completed course only one time. UA-PTC defines “successfully completed” courses as earning a grade of A, B, C, D, or CR in the course. See table below for examples.

1st Attempt 2nd Attempt 3rd Attempt Eligible for Aid?
F D Enrolled Yes
C Enrolled   Yes
D C Enrolled No
D F Enrolled No
W F Enrolled Yes

Return of Title Funds

This requirement applies to students who receive federal student aid (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and/or William D. Ford Direct Subsidized or Unsubsidized Loan(s), but not Federal Work-Study) and completely withdraws, earns all F’s, or a combination of W’s, WX’s or NC’s in classes prior to completing 60% of the enrollment period. Additional details are outlines in the Return of Title IV Funds Policy on the UA-PTC Financial Aid Policy webpage.

The amount of Title IV aid an institution must refund to the federal aid programs is determined by the Federal Return to Title IV funds formula as specified in Section 484B of the Higher Education Act. UA-PTC utilizes software to calculate the amount of aid that must be returned to the U.S. Department of Education that was initially utilized to pay institutional charges. The last date of attendance is provided by the Registrar’s Office and utilized to document the last date of enrollment. If a student is considered an unofficial withdrawal and a failing grade is earned, the instructor must provide a last date of attendance for the course. This date is used in the Return of Title IV funds calculation, if required. If a date cannot be determined for an unofficial withdrawal, the mid-point of the semester is utilized.

UA-PTC returns unearned aid used to pay institutional charges to the US Department of Education in the following order within 30 days of the withdrawal determination:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Direct Loan
  3. Federal Pell Grant
  4. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  5. Other Title IV Programs

Students who have received a refund from financial aid funds may owe a balance to UA-PTC after a Return to Title IV funds calculation is processed.

Students are billed for any unearned aid that was returned to the federal aid program that caused institutional charges to be unpaid. Additionally, students will be billed for any monies the college returns on the student’s behalf that is owed to the federal aid programs as a repayment of funds disbursed directly to the student for non-institutional charges. Copies of the Return to Title IV Funds calculation are provided by the UA-PTC Financial Aid Office to the student along with a bill when their Return to Title IV calculation is processed.

If a student earns more aid than was disbursed, the student may be eligible to receive a postwithdrawal disbursement. Students are notified by mail of their eligibility for such a disbursement. If a student is entitled to an institutional refund of tuition and fees, those monies will first be applied to any outstanding balance to the college before being refunded to the student.

Grants, Loans, and Other Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or a professional degree. (In some cases, however, a student enrolled in a post-baccalaureate teacher certification program might receive a Pell Grant). The maximum yearly award is determined by the Department of Education. The amount a student receives depends on financial need as determined by the FAFSA, costs to attend school, the student’s status as a full-time or part-time student, and plans to attend school for a full academic year or less. The amount of Federal Pell Grant funds a student may receive over their lifetime is limited to six full years (12 semesters/600%) of Pell grant eligibility. Students can review their Pell Lifetime Eligibility Used by visiting https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/sign-in/landing.

Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant

The Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a campus-based program administered directly by the Office of Financial Aid. Unlike the Federal Pell Grant program, which provides funds to every eligible student, the campus-based program provides a certain amount of funds for each participating school to administer each year. When the money for the program is gone, no more awards can be made from that program for that year. This program is for students who demonstrate exceptional financial need on the FAFSA. Pell Grant recipients with the lowest Expected Family Contributions (EFCs) will be the first to receive FSEOG. These grant funds are awarded only to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor’s or a professional degree.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

The Federal Direct Subsidized Student Loan is free of interest to the student while enrolled at least half-time, during the grace period after enrollment ends and during periods of authorized deferment. Federal regulations limit the length of time a student may borrow subsidized loan funds. This limit is referred to as SULA or Subsidized Usage Limit Applies. A maximum of three years for two-year associate degrees and one and a half years for one-year certificate programs for new borrowers on or after July 1, 2013. A student can review their usage limit by visiting https://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/sign-in/landing.

The Federal Unsubsidized Student Loan is not interest-free at any time. The student is responsible for the interest from the date of disbursement. However, interest payments are deferred while the student is in school at least half-time, during the grace period, and during authorized periods of deferments. The interest will continue to accrue and will be added (capitalized) to the principal balance once repayment begins. Both loan programs have a six-month grace period after the student graduates or drops below half-time enrollment. That means a student has six months before he or she has to start making payments on the loans.

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study Program is a campus-based program that provides part-time employment for students who have financial need. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is required for financial need to be determined. Upon completion of the FAFSA, students should contact the Office of Financial Aid to see if they are eligible to participate in the work-study program. Available work- study jobs are posted on the UA-PTC website. The available positions usually consist of employment opportunities in an office or lab on the UA-PTC campus; selected off-campus community service positions are also available. Students should contact the supervisor indicated on the job description to apply for the position.

Upon getting a work-study job, students should complete the Student Job Assignment form with their supervisor and submit it to the Office of Financial Aid along with personnel documents that are required. In general, students can work a maximum of 20 hours weekly and receive a paycheck every two weeks. The amount a student can earn in a year is determined by the amount of financial need and other aid awarded as part of the financial aid package.

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services

Students with physical or mental disabilities may be eligible to attend college under the sponsorship of Rehabilitation Services. Call Arkansas Rehabilitation Services at (501) 686-2800 for more information.

Veterans Affairs Benefits

UA - Pulaski Technical College has been approved by federal and state agencies governing Veterans Affairs to provide training to veterans. Qualified veterans and their dependents may be entitled to educational assistance programs from the Department of Veterans Affairs to pay their tuition for the approved programs. Veterans should apply for admission to the college and visit with the Veterans Services Coordinator prior to enrolling in classes to apply for benefits. If approved, veterans/dependents must be enrolled in seven (7) credit hours or more per semester and follow their approved degree plan to be eligible to receive their Basic Allowance for Housing from the Veterans Administration. Twelve (12) credit hours per semester is considered full-time status. Veterans should be aware that any alterations to course plans or course schedules may affect their benefits and should discuss this situation with Veterans Services prior to making changes. Courses completed with a passing grade may not be repeated.

All veterans and dependents should be aware that payment arrangements must be made by the UA - PTC payment deadline each semester. While some types of VA educational benefits pay for a student’s tuition and fees in full, many do not. It is up to the student to remain aware of the type of funding and financial responsibilities he or she holds in ensuring that tuition and fee requirements are met by the appropriate deadlines.

*Tuition and fees are covered by aid that is received first by the college and applied toward a student’s account.

VA Pending Payment Compliance

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679(c), UA-PTC adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch.33) or Vocational Rehabilitation& Employment (Ch.31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from VA. UA-PTC will not:

• Prevent the student’s enrollment;

• Assess a late penalty fee to the student;

• Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding;

• Deny the student access to any resources (access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities) available to other students who have satisfied their tuition and fee bills to the institution.

However, to qualify for this provision, such students may be required to:

• Produce the VA Certification of Eligibility (COE) by the first day of class;

• Provide a written request to be certified;

• Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides core, intensive and training services to adults, dislocated workers and youth. The WIOA was established in 2014 and replaces the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), which is similar, but had different goals and objectives. The main function of the WIOA is to assist job seekers to gain and maintain employment. If a job seeker is unable to obtain employment after receiving the initial core and intensive services, then training services may be provided. Training services include occupational skills training, which provides educational funding, not to exceed two years, while a client attends post-secondary school to complete a course of study leading to a credential that can be utilized to seek employment. Core and intensive services are available to all customers. Customers who receive training services must meet certain eligibility requirements.

Financial assistance may cover tuition, books, supplies, and transportation and is subject to the availability of funds. For more information, call (501) 376-4119 for Pulaski County residents, (501) 676-2721 for Lonoke County residents, (501) 315-7702 for Saline County residents and (501) 730-9865 for Faulkner County residents.

UA-PTC Academic Scholarship/Awards

Academic All Star Scholarship

$3,000 awarded to one current UA-PTC student per year to recognize outstanding academic performance and service to UA-PTC and the community. Must complete the Arkansas Community Colleges’ Academic All-Star Program application packet and meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Arkansas resident
  • Enrolled at UA-PTC and expected to continue enrollment through the upcoming Fall semester
  • Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours by June of the current academic year in pursuit of an associate degree
  • Cumulative grade point average of 3.25
  • Demonstrated involvement in campus and community activities
  • Intent to graduate from UA-PTC with an associate degree by the end of the next academic year
  • Intent to transfer to an Arkansas four-year university upon associate degree completion

Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

Arkansas Scholars Award

$1,000 annual award for two years to high school seniors who complete the Arkansas Scholars criteria while in high school and enroll at UA-PTC the fall semester following their high school graduation. To receive this award, students must provide the Office of Financial Aid a copy of their high school transcript or diploma containing the Arkansas Scholars seal or the Arkansas Scholars certificate presented by UA-PTC by June 1.

Ben Wyatt Scholarship

$1,500 awarded to six high school seniors each academic year. Students must be seeking an associate degree or technical certificate. Decisions are based on an applicant’s leadership, honors, activities, community service, and financial need. Priority deadline to apply is April 1.
Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

GED Scholarship

$2,000 awarded to three first-time entering students each academic year ($250 for every 3 credit hours with a max of 12 per semester). Requires an average score of 600 or higher on the General Educational Development (GED) exam for exams completed prior to January 1, 2014. Students who complete the GED after December 31, 2013, must score a 680-total score with a minimum of 170 in each of the four subject areas. Must have taken the GED at an Adult Education center in the UA - Pulaski Technical College service area of Faulkner, Lonoke, Pulaski, or Saline counties and never previously enrolled in any college or postsecondary institution. The GED Scholarship is renewable for up to 60 attempted semester credit hours if a 2.5 cumulative GPA is maintained.
Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

Harriet Frazer Scholarship

$1,500 awarded to six high school seniors each academic year. Students must be seeking an associate degree or technical certificate. Decisions are based on an applicant’s leadership, honors, activities, community service, and financial need. Priority deadline to apply is April 1.
Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

James A. Jones Memorial Scholarship

$1,500 awarded to six high school seniors each academic year. Students must be seeking a technical certificate or Associate of Applied Science. Decisions are based on an applicant’s leadership, honors, activities, community service, and financial need. Priority deadline to apply is April 1.
Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

UA-Pulaski High School Career Leadership Scholarship

$1,500 awarded to approximately thirty-five outstanding graduating seniors each year who have actively participated in career-oriented/leadership activities while in high school. Decisions are based on student’s financial need, high-school GPA, and active participation in career oriented high school programs, clubs, and/or outside organizations. These programs include, but are not limited by, Skills USA, ProStart, Scouts, 4-H, FBLA, FFA, FTA, Beta Club, Key Club, etc.
Application: Visit uaptc.edu/scholarships.

UA-PTC High School Merit Scholarships

There is no separate application necessary for the UA-PTC Merit Based Scholarships. Students are considered for these scholarships upon completing an application for admission - this includes submitting all transcripts, shot records, and test scores. Scholarships and awards vary depending on cumulative high school GPA and admission test score of the ACT or SAT.
Eligibility: U.S. citizens who are graduating high school.
Application Process: These scholarship are awarded once a student is accepted for admission.
Renewable Criteria: Remain a full-time student with a 2.5 cumulative grade point average.
Maximum Award: Four semesters or completion of an associate degree. Priority Application Deadline: April 1

Trustee Scholarship 27-36 277-300 Full Tuition
Chancellor Scholarship 23-26 266-276 $3,000
Dean Scholarship 21-22 261-265 $2,000
Achievement Scholarship 19-20 246-260 $1,000


UA-PTC Foundation Scholarships

Foundation scholarships are available to continuing UA-PTC students. The application process is handled on-line; the application can be found at uaptc.awardspring.com. All applications require proof of grades, financial aid summary, letter of recommendation from a UA-PTC faculty or staff member, and an essay. The essay should include your educational and professional goals, your financial need, your special achievements, and your contribution to the college/community. Selected applicants may be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Scholarships are one-time only and do not automatically renew. For more information, visit uaptc.edu/foundation/scholarships.

Andre Simon Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Culinary Arts program who has a least a 2.0 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: $450

Argenta City Club Scholarship

Awarded by UA-PTC Foundation to students who have a 2.0 cumulative GPA or higher and are residents of North Little Rock. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Bumper-To-Bumper/Crow Burlingame Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a second-year student who is pursuing a degree or certificate in Automotive Technology. One letter of recommendation from an instructor is also required. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Chef Paul Bash Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Culinary Arts program, has completed at least two semesters at UA-PTC and has at least a 3.0 GPA. The student must be a resident of Arkansas. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: $1,000

Conrad J. Strzelecki Memorial Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Culinary Arts, Hospitality Management, or 3-D program who is either an Arkansas or Louisiana resident and has at least a 2.5 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Up to $1,500

Delta Dental Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to students in the Dental Assisting program who have a commitment to complete program certification. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Elizabeth Louden Single Parent Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a non-traditional, single-parent student enrolled in a business program, with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Amount: $500.

Frank White Rotary Club of Little Rock Scholarship and Rotary Club of Little Rock Scholarship

Two separate scholarships are awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to two students who have completed at least one semester at UA-PTC, have 3.0 cumulative GPAs and are Arkansas residents. Amount: $1,500 for each scholarship

Fred Darragh Single Parent Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to single parent students who have a GPA of 2.0 and are Arkansas residents. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Need-based

Glen and Bonnie Davis Alumni Scholarship

 Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Emergency Medical Sciences program with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Amount: $500

Heathcott Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by UA-PTC Foundation to students. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA- PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Janet A. Davis Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student who has a 2.0 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: $100 UA-PTC Bookstore credit

Linda and Gene Pfeifer Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to students who have completed at least one semester at UA-PTC, are residents of Pulaski County, and have a 3.20 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Pact Scholarship

Awarded through a partnership between the UA-PTC foundation and the Argenta Community Theater. Students receive credit for working and learning set design, stage management, audio and technical work. The scholarship offers students hands-on, real-life experience in working within a professional stage production environment at the Argenta Community Theater, while enhancing their academic efforts as students enrolled at UA-PTC’s Center for Humanities and Arts. Amount: $1,000/semester

P.G. And Melanie Bradford Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in one of the following degree or certification areas: Technical/Industrial, Health, Education and Human Services, Business and Information Technology, or Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management who plans to enter the workforce upon graduating. The student must submit at least one letter of recommendation from a UA-PTC instructor. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UAPTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Richard A. Williams Edowed Paralegal Technology Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Paralegal Technology program who has completed at least one semester at UA - PTC. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: $250

Simmons First National Bank Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a full-time, second-year student pursuing an associate degree. The student must be head of low-to-moderate-income household and must have a 3.0 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: $500

Ted and Betty Williams Charitable Trust Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in a Technical/Industrial program and has at least a 3.0 GPA. The student must submit at least one letter of recommendation from a UAPTC instructor. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UAPTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: varies

Television Broadcasters of Arkansas Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a full-time or part-time student who has intent to study in fields of radio, TV, publication or mass communications and who has the goal of pursuing a career in broadcast television. Must have completed at least two semesters at UA-PTC and must have a 3.0 GPA or higher. Participation in extra-curricular activities within the discipline is desired. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Up to $2,500

The Willard and Pat Walker Family Foundation Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a nontraditional student who has chosen nursing as a career. Applicant must have a 3.0 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA - PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: Varies

Windgate Charitable Foundation Endowed Scholarship

Awarded by the UA-PTC Foundation to a student enrolled in the Fine Arts program and has a 3.0 GPA. Selected applicants will be interviewed by UA-PTC Foundation scholarship committee. Amount: varies