2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
EDUC 2302 - Children’s Literature Credit Hours: 3
The course reviews the major theories and concepts related to cognition, metacognition, and motivation for reading for students in K-12 settings including students with special needs. The course teaches candidates how to analyze and integrate developmentally appropriate literature across a standards-based curriculum–digitally and through traditional print. This is one course in a series of literacy courses for teacher candidates. special course fee
Prerequisite(s): A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 253 or above on the Accuplacer Next Generation Reading Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. Course Typically Offered: F, S