2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 06, 2025  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Community Services and Partnerships

3D Program

University of Arkansas- Pulaski Technical College’s 3D Program is an inclusive post-secondary education program for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Our mission is to provide access to high-quality education that promotes student learning and enables individuals with developmental disabilities to develop to their fullest potential through unique, targeted programs for business and industry. The program seeks to provide students with academic rigor, socialization, independent living skills, self-advocacy skills and preparation for gainful employment. We also provide instruction in critical thinking skills, independent functioning and professionalism needed in the workplace. Our classes involve instruction, hands-on lab practice, individual planning and coaching and student mentoring. Students participate in 3D-only classes, as well as inclusive classes with traditional students. In their traditional course experiences (TCE) they work alongside peer mentors who provide natural supports in the classroom. TCE classes are taught by certified chef instructors.

Our philosophy and educational approach focus on creating an environment in which active, collaborative learning can take place, where individuals may develop to their fullest potential, express unique gifts and strive to achieve independence and meaningful employment. In addition to technical culinary, baking and hospitality skills, our students learn critical thinking skills to help them assess situations and make sound decisions-skills needed in both the work environment and personal situations. Our vision is to be a leading educational program, focused on student success and recognized for excellence in education and workforce development for individuals with developmental disabilities.

The 3D Program is a Comprehensive Transition and Postsecondary program approved by the U.S. Department of Education. This allows our students access to Federal Pell Grant and Federal Work Study positions. For more information, call (501) 771-6055.

Adult Education

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College Adult Education Center’s mission is to provide education and training courses to help adults improve academic and employability skills necessary for self-sufficiency and a better quality of life. The following services are provided by UA - Pulaski Technical College Adult Education:

Adult Basic Education

UA-PTC Adult Basic Education (ABE) program offers basic academic instruction to adult learners functioning below the ninth-grade level.

Adult Secondary Education

The Adult Secondary Education (ASE) program provides basic academic instruction to adult learners functioning at or above the ninth-grade level.

UA-PTC Adult Education Center also provides instruction to those who have their high school diploma, but are deficient in basic academic skills. 


The Arkansas High School Diploma can be earned by passing a series of general knowledge exams.  The tests cover the following subjects: writing skills, social studies, science, literature and the arts, and mathematics.  The GED® Test may be taken at UA-Pulaski Technical College.  Students must take the GED Ready at a PearsonVue approved test site and pass with a minimum score of 145 in each subject area before taking the state GED® Test.

English as a Second Language - ESL

This class is designed for students who have little or no background in the English Language as well as students who have limited use of the English Language.  Alphabet sounds, simple commonly used verbs, and basic understanding of grammar and basic functional language are emphasized for the beginning students.  Intermediate and advanced students learn to speak in various situations and become more comfortable in speaking in different social gatherings.  Intermediate and advanced classes focus on clarity of pronunciation, speed-reading, vocabulary building, written essays, and formal speech presentations.

Upgrade classes in Adult Education focus on pre-college reading, mathematics, and language skills in addition to providing soft skills that relate to specific job and career training. Students who already have a high-school diploma but who are interested in Adult Education can enroll in free upgrade classes to enhance their academic skills up to the twelfth grade level. Additional components that focus on career development, soft skills, and professional opportunities are included for those who are interested. Adult Education students will take the TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) to determine specific areas where they can focus on enhancing their academic skills.

Workforce Education

Workforce Alliance for Growth in the Economy (WAGE™) Certification is designed to address the need to improve the workplace basic skills of the unemployed and under-employed labor pool.  The WAGE™ Program is an industry, education, and community collaborative for workforce development. It is a State of Arkansas Certification that adults can earn in order to gain employment or advance current employment opportunities. 

The WAGE curriculum utilizes a common curriculum with all other counties in the state of Arkansas and assures that all Arkansas adult education students have a foundational understanding of digital skills, employability skills, and money skills. WAGE also assists you with career exploration, career-specific training, and interview strategies to assure that you have the confidence to showcase your newly acquired skillsets to potential employers. 

Supportive Services

UA-PTC Adult Education understands that there can be various barriers to achieving your goals. The program offers scholarships to eligible participants and has partnered with the state of Arkansas to provide funding for expenses such as transportation, childcare and work necessities. 

SNAP E&T and TANF are proven supportive services that can assist you with achieving your goals.  

SNAP Employment & Training (E&T)

SNAP E&T helps you gain skills, training or work experience to increase your ability to obtain regular employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency. NOTE: Participants must have SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) to enroll into SNAP E&T. ​

Supportive Services: ​

  • Scholarships: Tuition paid for non-credit courses (C.N.A., phlebotomy, welding, etc.)​
  • Financial Assistance: Reimbursements for travel, child care, equipment/ supplies (related to training/employment), books, licensing fees and uniforms.​
  • Expansion of Benefits: Qualifying event to extend the services past the certification period.​
  • Career Readiness: The WAGE curriculum taken will prepare you for employment.​

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

The Arkansas Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program mission is to help families stay together by empowering family leaders with job skills, resources and assistance. ​

The program offers various resources to those who qualify  and need assistance with overcoming barriers to employment through training, education and support.​

Supportive Services: ​

  • Transportation expenses​
  • Child care ​
  • Financial assistance ​
  • Scholarships

Business and Industry Center

The Business and Industry Center supports the mission of UA - Pulaski Technical College by providing an array of learning opportunities designed to meet the learning needs of the business and industry community of Central Arkansas. For the individual, the Business and Industry Center provides many short-term professional development courses as well as opportunities for lifelong learning through its Community Education Program.

For the business community, the center offers a variety of training programs aimed at improving the competitive position of the local workforce and the region.
The business values of the center include:

  • Consistent alignment of training with business goals to exceed customer expectations
  • Excellence in business curriculum design and active learning
  • Excellence in training materials and methods

The Business and Industry Center (BIC) is recognized for its business-friendly environment. With state-of-the-art industrial, technical and computer labs, comfortable furnishings, spacious conference and meeting rooms, and ample, convenient parking, the BIC brings a world of options to businesses and employees.

The BIC has assembled an unmatched team of technical experts, processes and training facilities ready to help businesses from the start-up to the multinational corporation.

The Business and Industry Center provides the following training expertise:
Industrial Technology Basic and Industrial Electricity
Hydraulics/Pneumatics Programmable Logic Controllers
Basic Drive Systems Motor Controls
Manufacturing Welding
Flexible Manufacturing Industrial Safety


High Voltage Lineman Training (HVOLT Academy)
Electrical Circuits and theory Safety
Aerial framing Transformers
Testing equipment Construction
Maintenance Troubleshooting
Pole climbing and testing Equipment maintenance
Pole top rescue  


Aerospace Manufacturing
Aircraft Cabinetry Aircraft Sheet Metal
Aircraft Upholstery  


Computer Applications
Outlook Excel
Word PowerPoint
Access Visual Basic Applications
Windows Operating Systems  


Management, Supervision and Leadership Development
Workplace Essentials and Soft Skills Training  
Communication Creating an Inclusive Environment Leading Teams
Resolving Workplace Conflict  Customer Service
Resumé and Interview Preparation Supervisor Training
Executive Management Development High Impact Feedback and Listening

Customized Training

The most popular request by business leaders is developing customized training to meet specific needs. The professional staff of the Business and Industry Center provides assistance in all steps of the training process. The Business and Industry Center can match an organization’s needs by adapting an existing program or developing a new one. The training may be tailored to a particular skill level, body of knowledge, company equipment, or learning style of the trainee. Training is offered at times and locations convenient to the organization, often at the company site, and at times that accommodate employees working on special projects, in teams or on shifts.

The Business and Industry Center is located on Roosevelt Road adjacent to the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport in Little Rock. For more information on these programs or to obtain a proposal for classes designed specifically for your organization, contact the Business and Industry Center at (501) 907-6670.

High School Career Center

The UA - PTC High School Career Center exists to offer career education opportunities to high school students by providing industry-driven programs of study. The Center strives to prepare a job-ready, career-bound workforce to meet the needs of Arkansas employers.

Our courses in Cybersecurity, HVAC, and Medical Professions allow students to discover their talents, skills and abilities and then develop an informed path toward career choices. Students have the opportunity to gain technical knowledge, workplace skills, and real-world experience through classes at UA-PTC that will prepare them for skilled careers vital to today’s economy.

The UA - PTC Career Center assists local high schools in meeting accreditation standards and supports these schools in building the foundations for quality career and technical education programs with a focus on creating a skilled, knowledgeable, and productive future workforce. Students may opt to receive post-secondary credits and industry certifications in their chosen fields of study. Links among students, parents, community members, and business and industry are fostered and supported by the UA - PTC High School Career Center. The Center also serves as a liaison to state and national organizations and college programs.

UA - PTC Career Center seeks to further the mission of UA - Pulaski Technical College of serving technical education needs by providing access to high-quality education that promotes learning and enables individuals to develop to their fullest potential.

Early College

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College welcomes high school students interested in taking college credit courses through our Early College program.

UA-Pulaski Technical College is committed to providing a quality educational experience for high school students in our community. UA-Pulaski Technical College offers a variety of college-level courses for high school students ranging from general education core to career and technical education pathways. These opportunities help students make progress toward high school graduation, college degrees, and career readiness while saving time and money.

One thing that sets UA-Pulaski Technical College apart is our ability to utilize both high school instructors and college faculty - providing a true transitional experience to college. We are committed to serving our area high schools.

Students may be enrolled concurrently, earning both high school and college credit simultaneously through a partnership between UA - PTC and the student’s high school, or be enrolled dually, earning college credit outside a formal partnership with the high school. The following procedures apply to both concurrently and dually enrolled students. Students taking concurrent courses may be eligible for a reduced cost. Please see your high school concurrent administrator or the Concurrent Credit website for more information. Detailed information can be found at uaptc.edu/earlycollege.

  1. Students must have completed the eighth grade and be enrolled in an accredited public or private secondary school or home school.
  2. Students must apply for admission to UA-PTC, provide Accuplacer, COMPASS or ACT test scores, and meet the minimum reading score for admission.* Students taking general education or ACTS courses must have a cumulative high school GPA of at least a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Students taking technical courses must meet the minimum reading score for admissions. Students must have test scores submitted in all three areas (reading, English, and math) to complete admissions requirements.
  3. Students must meet any course prerequisite requirements listed in the Academic Catalog.
  4. Students must be classified as non-degree/non-certificate seeking and are not eligible for financial aid.
  5. Concurrent students must have their high school counselor, principal, designee, or superintendent approve the specific courses and the number of hours of enrollment each semester by signing the Concurrent Credit Enrollment and Policy Form. Students and guardians must sign the Concurrent Credit Enrollment and Policy Form each semester of enrollment.
    • Dually enrolled students will complete the Concurrent Credit Enrollment and Policy Form as part of their registration with an advisor.
  6. All high school students will have a high school hold on their accounts requiring a Concurrent Credit representative or designated advisor register them for classes.
  7. Students are responsible for any payment required and for purchasing textbooks (unless provided by your high school).
  8. A high school student enrolled in a UA - PTC course is considered a college/UA - PTC student.

*The minimum reading score for admission is a 13 on the reading section of the ACT, 55 on the reading section of the Accuplacer, a 226 on the reading section of the Accuplacer Next Generation, or a 62 on the reading section of the COMPASS.

IMPORTANT: Concurrent Credit students taking courses at UA - PTC are generating a college transcript and should be mindful that their concurrent or dual enrollment courses will be reflected on their permanent college transcript.

Transfer Partnerships

University of Arkansas - Pulaski Tech students planning to transfer to a four-year university have several choices. For students who know they want to transfer but are not sure about where to go or what their major will be, the Associate of Arts degree is a good choice. Students who know what area they are interested in studying at the bachelor’s level should pursue the Associate of Science in their area of interest.

In an effort to simplify the transfer process and allow a student to transition to the university in the most efficient manner possible, a 2+2 transfer agreement will specify exactly which courses the student will need to complete at UA - PTC. This 2+2 agreement is approved by both UA - PTC and the receiving institution and guarantees full acceptance of those courses (if successfully completed) toward the completion of a bachelor’s degree. For more information on the various transfer partnerships, please visit uaptc.edu/transfer.

Veterans Upward Bound

For pre-college assistance, Veterans Upward Bound (VUB) program is designed specifically to serve the needs of today’s veterans. The VUB program is a free, non-credit, non-profit, pre-college program federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The primary goal of VUB is to prepare eligible veterans to enter college, be successful in college, and to graduate from college. VUB provides a unique opportunity for veterans of all ages to gain access to information about college and career awareness, to acquire the academic skills needed for entry into higher education and/or to acquire the equivalent of a high school diploma. Various workshops, self-paced computer tutorials, individualized tutoring, and classroom-based instruction are also offered. For more information about VUB, call (501) 812-2809.